Another thought about Love

Love is an effort, occasionally accompanied by a good feeling inside.

We say, "I call you." To call is a verb.
We say, "I love you." Therefore, to love is a verb, too.

Since love is a verb, love is an action. Action takes effort. Love is an effort. No wonder people say, "It is a labor of love." Raising children is a labor of love. So is growing daisies.

Love is laborious, is it not? A lot of effort needs to be put in when we love someone or something. After we put in all that effort, we feel something nice inside. Occasionally. This nice feeling accompanies the act of love.

Sometimes we hear somebody tell us that he/she fell in love at first sight. That's not really love, is that? That's infatuation. Infatuation doesn't take any effort. It's a feeling that doesn't accompany any action.

Love is accompanied by a nice feeling, occasionally. Occasionally, we feel bad. Because the person we love hurt us after all the labor we put in. Or because the daisies turn brown on us.

Have we tried to choose to love God, really really love God? Choose to love God. It may be laborious at first but it is guaranteed that the accompanying feeling will be nice.


Adeera Azman said…
Choose to love God. It may be laborious at first but it is guaranteed that the accompanying feeling will be nice.

a definite agree.
amal said…
love need effort..yes...the efforts put with hope that we can get the same thing..after all, are we sincere with our love.? we choose to love god at first then by time it will become true love. we have no choice but to love. then its love.
nahar said…
princess s,

you asked a very good question: if we love and we hope something in return for the love, is that a sincere act?

or, is that love ikhlas? it is for Allah to know, i guess. let's just pray that whatever niat we have, it is the niat of mukhlisin (org2 yg ihlas).
